My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others
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Lemuel Andrews
1747 -
Jonathan Atwood
1760 - about 1841
Isaac Bailey
1742 - 1813
Asa Baldwin
1723 - 1811
Jesse Barker
1761 - 1804
John Barker
1732 - 1786
Curtiss Beardslee
1754 - 1796
Benjamin Beardsley
1727/28 - 1802
Jared Beardsley
about 1744 - 1802
John Bodge
1734 - 1789
Edward Brooks
1727/28 - 1776
Daniel Burditt
1758 - 1777
David Burditt
1761 - 1793
Jabez Burditt
1754 - 1816
Jacob Burditt
- 1790
Joseph Burditt
1738 - 1804
Nathan Burditt
1745 - before 1810
Robert Burditt
1756 -
Samuel Burditt
1735 - 1790
Samuel Burditt
1759 - 1809
William Burditt
1741 - 1788
Aaron Burr
1756 - 1836
Isaac Clewley
1729 - 1800
Daniel Mitchell Curtiss
1755 - 1831
Ebenezer Curtiss
1753 -
George Darrow
1743 - 1820
Samuel Denny
1731 - 1817
Eliphalet Dimick
1753 - 1840
Joseph Kingsbury Edgerton
1759 - 1819
Henry Felch
1735 - 1807
John Felch
1729 - 1776
Nicholas Felch
1755 - 1840
John Foote
1742 - 1809
Nathan Hale
1755 - 1776
Elijah Hanks
1761 - 1839
John Hanks
1730 - 1815
Abraham Hill
1733 - 1812
David Hilliard
1760 -
Isaac Hilliard
1737 - 1823
Samuel Howard
1739 - 1815
Elijah Hyde
1754 - 1820
Phineas Jones
1763 - 1850
David Judson
1755 - 1818
Thomas Kempton
1740 - 1806
Gideon King
1722 -
Andrew Kingsbury
1759 - 1837
Asa Kingsbury
1729 - 1775
Asa Kingsbury
1752 - 1776
Ebenezer Kingsbury
1755 - 1785
Jacob Kingsbury
1756 - 1837
Joseph Kingsbury
1753 - 1828
Joseph Kingsbury
1755 - 1835
Oliver Kingsbury
1761 - 1781
Salmon Kingsley
1723 - 1813
Jesse Leavenworth
1740 - 1824
Thomas Lewis
1745 - 1810
Jonathan Loomis
1753 - 1832
John Manley
1711 - 1803
Amos Morris
1750/51 - 1823
Joseph Nelson
1757 - 1837
Nathan Nichols
1709 - 1789
Nathaniel Perry
1757 - 1808
Seth Pomeroy
1706 - 1777
Daniel Read
1754 - 1838
Daniel Rockwell
1753 - 1777
Elisha Root
1737 - 1776
Nathaniel Root
1757 - 1840
Samuel Sanford
about 1741 - 1804
Amos Sargent
1758 - 1836
Daniel Sargent
1750 - 1838
Ezra Sargent
1752 - 1839
Jacob Sargent
1759 - 1809
John Sargent
1759 - 1829
Jonathan Sargent
1728 - 1806
Jonathan Sargent
1752 -
Joseph Sargent
1756 - 1787
Nathaniel Sargent
1754 -
Phineas Sargent
1746 - 1776
Samuel Sargent
1754 - 1825
Samuel Sargent
1761 - 1830
Silas Sargent
1755 - about 1777
Thomas Sargent
1751/52 - 1786
William Sargent
1757 - 1835
Winslow Sargent
1749/50 - 1819
Samuel Silliman
1757 - 1848
Isaac Smith
1742/43 - 1824
Jabez Smith
1731 - 1818
John Smith
1760 - 1842
Timothy Sprague
1752 - 1815
Nathanial Storrs
1747 - 1813
Asa Stowers
1727/28 - 1784
John Strong
1733 - 1816
Malachi Thomas
1746/47 - 1794
Zebulon Titus
Joseph Tuttle
1762 - 1836
Josiah Warner
1745 - 1830
Comfort Wildman
1740 - 1782